There is more to Bowflex

Bowflex is still one of the best home gym makers on the market, and there is more to Bowflex than you think. [more]

Medical News Today list Bowflex among 5 best home gyms

 Health information portal Medical News Today (MNT) just posted the reviews for home gyms and named the five best ones in five different categories. Bowflex Blaze is among them in the 'For Rehabilitation' category.

Reviewers state that the lower weights on the Bowflex Blaze may be beneficial for those who need rehabilitation from previous sports injuries. They also report that the home gym is easy to assemble.

I don't know what to make of that, but right after reading that I did hit my 'home gym' and I can tell it is the best in at least one other category.  

Still, it's good to know that my decision to buy a Bowflex was not a "boneheaded" move.

For my workout, I used my "Bowflex 20 Minute Better Body Workout Journal."

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