There is more to Bowflex

Bowflex is still one of the best home gym makers on the market, and there is more to Bowflex than you think. [more]

At 60 I'm using my Bowflex Home Gym with great results

Dogs' approved

 I bought my Bowflex Home Gym last year because it was apparent that going back to the gym was out of the question, and I had to give back the borrowed adjustable SelectTeck dumbells and the bench.

The price for the new or used pair of those dumbells from private sellers was so high that it actually made sense to buy this machine. Since it arrived a few weeks later, I started using it almost every day and never looked back. 

If that is not a great review for this equipment, I don't know what is. OK, maybe this will help. I am thinking of upgrading it, for a second time, with another pair of 50lbs rods. 

So, if you are at a similar age, consider buying similar equipment. It's safer than the weights, takes as much or less space than the bench, and is more fun to use it.

BTW, get my journals for Bowflex.

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